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(3S,4R)-1-tert-Butyl-4-(2,4-difluorophenyl)pyrrolidine-3-carboxylic acid


分子式 C15H19F2NO2
分子量 283.31400
精确质量 283.13800
PSA 40.54000
LogP 2.80120


海关编码 2933990090






文献:Chung, John Y. L.; Cvetovich, Raymond; Amato, Joseph; McWilliams, J. Christopher; Reamer, Robert; DiMichele, Lisa Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 70, # 9 p. 3592 – 3601





文献:Lansdell, Mark I.; Hepworth, David; Calabrese, Andrew; Brown, Alan D.; Blagg, Julian; Burring, Denise J.; Wilson, Peter; Fradet, David; Brown, T. Bruce; Quinton, Faye; Mistry, Neela; Tang, Kim; Mount, Natalie; Stacey, Peter; Edmunds, Nick; Adams, Cathryn; Gaboardi, Samantha; Neal-Morgan, Stevie; Wayman, Chris; Cole, Susan; Phipps, Joanne; Lewis, Mark; Verrier, Hugh; Gillon, Val; Feeder, Neil; Heatherington, Anne; Sultana, Stefan; Haughie, Scott; Martin, Steven W.; Sudworth, Maria; Tweedy, Sarah Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 53, # 8 p. 3183 – 3197





文献:MERCK and CO., INC. Patent: WO2004/92126 A2, 2004 ; Location in patent: Page 25; 31-32 ; WO 2004/092126 A2





文献:Lansdell, Mark I.; Hepworth, David; Calabrese, Andrew; Brown, Alan D.; Blagg, Julian; Burring, Denise J.; Wilson, Peter; Fradet, David; Brown, T. Bruce; Quinton, Faye; Mistry, Neela; Tang, Kim; Mount, Natalie; Stacey, Peter; Edmunds, Nick; Adams, Cathryn; Gaboardi, Samantha; Neal-Morgan, Stevie; Wayman, Chris; Cole, Susan; Phipps, Joanne; Lewis, Mark; Verrier, Hugh; Gillon, Val; Feeder, Neil; Heatherington, Anne; Sultana, Stefan; Haughie, Scott; Martin, Steven W.; Sudworth, Maria; Tweedy, Sarah Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 53, # 8 p. 3183 – 3197


海关编码 2933990090
中文概述 2933990090. 其他仅含氮杂原子的杂环化合物. 增值税率:17.0%. 退税率:13.0%. 监管条件:无. 最惠国关税:6.5%. 普通关税:20.0%
申报要素 品名, 成分含量, 用途, 乌洛托品请注明外观, 6-己内酰胺请注明外观, 签约日期
Summary 2933990090. heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom(s) only. VAT:17.0%. Tax rebate rate:13.0%. . MFN tariff:6.5%. General tariff:20.0%

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