密度 | 0.9±0.1 g/cm3 |
沸点 | 191.4±19.0 °C at 760 mmHg |
分子式 | C8H17ClSi |
分子量 | 176.759 |
闪点 | 62.2±12.0 °C |
精确质量 | 176.078796 |
LogP | 4.39 |
蒸汽压 | 0.7±0.4 mmHg at 25°C |
折射率 | 1.430 |
文献:Doklady Chemistry, , vol. 193, p. 583 – 585 Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Khim., , vol. 193, p. 1072 – 1075 |
海关编码 | 2931900090 |
中文概述 | 2931900090. 其他有机-无机化合物. 增值税率:17.0%. 退税率:13.0%. 监管条件:AB(入境货物通关单,出境货物通关单). 最惠国关税:6.5%. 普通关税:30.0% |
Summary | 2931900090. other organo-inorganic compounds. VAT:17.0%. Tax rebate rate:13.0%. Supervision conditions:AB(certificate of inspection for goods inward,certificate of inspection for goods outward). MFN tariff:6.5%. General tariff:30.0% |
chloro-hex-5-enyldimethylsilane |
5-hexenyl(dimethyl)chlorosilane |
Silane, chloro-5-hexen-1-yldimethyl- |
Chloro(5-hexen-1-yl)dimethylsilane |
Silane,chloro-5-hexen-1-yldimethyl |
6-hex-1-enyldimethylchlorosilane |
Silane,chloro-5-hexenyldimethyl |
Silane,chloro-5-hexenyldimethyl-(8CI,9CI) |
Chlorodimethylhex-5-enylsilane |
5-hexenylchlorodimethylsilane |